VISIONS: Insight into what IHED hopes to achieve

IHED expand our collective contributions 

Creating innovative connections among education and humanities, business and community, economy and marketing, event and tourism, social network and entrepreneurships. 

Ensuring equity, and in particular to the vulnerable sections of the society in order to enhance access to Higher Education, to frame policies and programs for strengthening research & innovations and encourage higher educational institutions – public or private – to engage with industry and society.
Accelerating our progress as an international edu-leader in the unique multiple degree programs in business and entrepreneurship department. 
Strengthening support for a dynamic faculty dedicated to teaching, mentoring, research, creativeness and performing leaderships.
Serving our community of alumni and friends through imaginative programs that enrich their lifelong relationship with the IHED University and that expand our collective contributions to the world.
Empowering our students to fulfill their academic and professional passions in the IHED Business School that is diverse, welcoming, and inclusive for all students, faculty, and staff