IHED is an excellent investment for your future academic career. The Future Starts Today. We teach and perform a mindset that embraces certain principles and tools to create a culture of excellence within an organization.
The Future of Excellence, The Future of Operational Excellence,
You can work with your corporate clients to build the future of your business, through impactful, individual, and sustainable solutions.

IHED Builds part of organizational leadership and organizational intelligence by continuously improving the processes.

Reasons to love IHED, what makes difference.

As an entrepreneur of experience who started and operated a company for more than 40 years, as a CEO of a startup company, as a university professor. A business school led by the president who, as a former dean of passion, promotes infinite change and educational reform programs. <Innovative Entrepreneurship School>

Small classes starting from 1 person upon request of a coach and private lessons without additional lectures | replenishment fee.

Multi-educational institution with various edu partners to transfer and earn degrees.

Flexible learning method and 6 learning options | Without leaving home, work, own business.

Efficiently earn a double degree with a double major or a triple degree with a triple specialization through global partner universities worldwide.

Your future career and wide open life path is in your hands now. Don’t waste more time, don’t waste more money, don’t waste more energy. Your right business school is just one step away from IHED.

A top pick from our team of highly qualified PhDs.

Intercultural communication, a unique learning situation in a multicultural environment. Reasons to love IHED

Become president | CEO who has worked as an entrepreneur for over 40 years, a senior university professor, and a transfer dean

Mini lessons starting from 1 person upon coach request and private lessons without additional lectures | supplementary explanation.

Oncology educational institution with various edu partners for transferring and subdividing degrees.

Flexible study method and 6 study options | Without leaving home, work, own business.

Get close to a triple degree with a double major or triple specialization with global partner universities around the world.

Your future and open life distance is now in your hands. Don’t waste more time, don’t waste more money, don’t waste more energy. Your right business school is just one step away from IHED.

The best choice of a team of highly qualified doctors.

A unique situation that encourages intercultural communication, a multicultural environment


12 Schools and Colleges

School of Business & Strategy

School of Management & Technology

School of Entrepreneurship & New Venture

School of Innovation & Leadership

School of Big Data & AI

School of Marketing

School of International Relations & Diplomacy

School of Public Relations & Events

School of Communication & Media

School of Economics

School of Tourism & Hospitality

School of Foreign Languages