MISSIONSPurpose of IHED organization

IHED Leads, Commits, Creates, Learns

IHED makes the world ever better, ever changing world, setting the standard, and maximizing the potential of every student, academic leadership with multiple degree programs for all students.

IHED is to provide students with an accessible, inclusive and transformative education based on excellence and flexibility, creating lasting value and relevance for a dynamic world.

IHED strives to offer our international students and exchanging students the lowest possible affordable tuition fees and general administration services and uniquely unforgettable memories while they are attending their learning programs with the best available selection of multiple higher education degree and executive certificate programs, and the utmost convenience. 



– continue the management, development, innovation and improvement of higher education activities in the field of business and management, in Switzerland and around the world, allowing the award of degree diplomas to students at the end of a program,
– offer specialized executive courses for the professional training of active executives in the areas of leadership and management,
– give courses, offer research programs, and organize extracurricular outdoor activities within the framework of study trips and business trips abroad,
– establish membership and partnerships with international universities for exchange students and issue qualified dual degree diplomas and certificates at the end of the programs,
– create networks and institutes abroad.
We teach international students to undertake business projects through our business schools in the fields of business administration, economics, management, marketing, communication, public relations and tourism.
We establish multiple partnerships with international universities to exchange students and award diplomas, certificates at the end of the qualified program.
We train responsible managers and leaders in business management by providing knowledge, skills, values, higher education to develop innovative and leading quality management.
We teach indoor classes, organize outdoor extracurricular activities for excursions and business trips abroad.
We lead continuous higher education in research, improvement and innovation in business and management to review and update university curricula in line with emerging trends in global education.
We offer professional executive education programs for working adults with the skills, knowledge, experiences, cross-cultural skills and qualifications specified in Management Competencies.
SMART-Achievable Goal: We teach international students to undertake business projects through our business schools in the specialized fields of business administration; economics; management; marketing; communication; public relations and tourism.
SMART-Measurable Goal: We lead continuous higher education in research, improvement and innovation in business and management to revise and update university curricula in accordance with emerging trends in global education.
SMART-Relevant Goal: We train responsible managers and leaders in business management by providing knowledge, skills, values, higher education to develop innovative and leading quality management. We teach indoor classes, organize outdoor extracurricular activities for excursions and business trips abroad.
SMART-Specific Goal: We offer executive training programs for working adults with the skills, knowledge, experiences, intercultural skills and qualifications specified in management competencies. We establish multiple partnerships with international universities to exchange students and award dual, triple degrees, certificates upon completion of the qualified programs.
SMART-Time bounded Goal: All the courses and programs will take four weeks, three months, six months, one year to maximum 3 years to complete certificates, diplomas and degrees for their AMP, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate.