The University of Technology of Troyes(Université de Technologie de Troyes; UTT) is a French public university, in the Academy of Reims.

The UTT is part of the network of the three universities of technology, found by the University of Technology of Compiègne

Inspired by the American University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, these three universities (UTCUTBM and UTT) are a French mixture between the universities of this country and its schools of engineers (Grandes Ecoles). UTT is ranked in the top 10 engineering schools 2017 in France by Usine Nouvelle.


Université de Technologie de Troyes

Nowadays, engineers must adapt and work quickly in new and multicultural environments. An international experience has become a key point for recruiters and in the professional world.  If you are looking for a unique experience abroad for 1 or 2 semesters in a renowned university, the UTT is on top of your list!

They are indeed organized like the universities, temples of knowledge being based on the triptych teaching-research-valorization (transmission of knowledge, the creation of knowledge and the transfer of knowledge in economic fabric). Their teaching model is a mix between the North-American model and the French traditions: courses choice, separation of the courses, work directed (TDs) and practical work (TPs). These three universities give thus an engineering degree equivalent to the Bac+5 formations of the French Grandes Ecoles.

The UTT was founded in 1994 and inaugurated by Jacques Chirac. One of the first chairman of the university has been Thierry Breton (1997–2005), honorary Chairman of both Thomson and France Telecom, and former finance Minister from France.

An International university, French public university, UTT’s Academic Programs

UTT welcomes many international students as well as international professors and scientists who can take advantage of the exceptional environment.

The university has around 24% of international students from undergraduates to postgraduates.

The university is ranked among the top 5 engineering universities.


Exchange programs : a unique experience

Nowadays, engineers must adapt and work quickly in new and multicultural environments.
An international experience has become a key point for recruiters and in the professional world. This period of exchange is a good way for students to get familiar with an international environment, to learn a foreign language and especially to obtain additional and complementary competences.

If you are looking for a unique experience abroad for 1 or 2 semesters in a renowned university, the UTT is on top of your list!

The UTT has more than 200 agreements with international renowned universities. Via those agreements, tuition fees are waived for students from those partners who come to UTT for 1 or 2 semesters.

It is also possible to combine a semester of study + a semester of internship during your stay at UTT, the internship being the 2nd semester.

It’s also possible to do an internship within one of UTT’s laboratories (combined or not with a semester of studies).

Degrees at the UTT

UTT is fully accredited to deliver engineering, master and doctorate degrees.



For the engineering degree, UTT provides training in 5 years with its own integrated preparatory class to obtain the French title of engineer, equivalent to the degree of master.

Majors offered at the UTT:

More information on engineering training at UTT.


The UTT National Diploma in Science, Technology and Health (DNM) is a two-year course.

6 tracks :

First cohort: September 2021

BIOREF Erasmus Mundus Master cofunded by the European Union

The Biorefinery Master Programme is a course that has been jointly developed by the University of Lille (ULILLE) in France, the University of Bari (UNIBA) in Italy, the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) in France and the Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology (PK) in Poland.

Nano-PHOT Graduate School

The Nano-Phot Graduate School (GS) aims at offering an unparalleled programme of excellence, with an international dimension and in direct contact with scientific and socioeconomic stakes related to the use of light, on a nanometric scale and in a sustainable development approach.


UTT has its own doctoral school (about 180 doctoral students).

If you hold the Master’s degree and your training course attests your aptitude for research, the Doctoral School n ° 361 “Sciences and Technologies” offers you to carry out your thesis work in one of its different specialties PhD within the Charles Delaunay Institute.

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Since 1990, with the introduction of the ERASMUS program, the European Union has set up the ECTS scheme(European Credit Transfer System) to enable students to validate their periods of study abroad. The ECTS is a system of academic recognition of learning achievements and transfer of credits throughout the EU, providing a way of measuring and comparing academic results and transferring them from one institution to another.

The ECTS system is based on 3 main principles: information (on courses available and
students’ results), agreement (between the participating institutions and the students), and the use of Credit Points.

These three core elements are implemented by means of three key documents:

  • the information package
  • the application form/learning agreement
  • the transcript of records

ECTS credits are a value allocated to course units to describe the student workload required. They reflect the quantity of work each course requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study at the institution. Thus, 60 credits ECTSrepresent the workload of a year of study (30 credits = one semester). It is up to the individual participating institution to subdivide the credits for the different courses over the year. In UTT, each credit course is usually worth 2, 4 or 6 ECTS.

ECTS Grading scale

The ECTS grade is complementary to but does not replace the mark given by the institution concerned.

The assessment of a course corresponds to a letter (A, B, C, D, E and F):

  • A Excellent (10% of students)
  • B Very Good (25%)
  • C Good (30%)
  • D Satisfactory (25%)
  • E Pass (10%)
  • F/FX Fail

This EMBA program is intended for professionals concerned with integrating skills related to understanding and using digital customer data. The objective is to give them the tools to take into account in the strategic and commercial development of their companies the added value related to customer data and thus work on the growth of their activities.

This EMBA program, dedicated to the Asian market, was developed from an existing DU training offer within the UTT: DU Big Data Engineer.

IHED Business School worked with UTT teams to adapt the educational model to specifically meet the demands of professionals.

UTT’s recognized high-level competence in the field of high technologies, its membership of the European University of Technology and its presence in international university rankings make it a leading partner.

This first collaboration is called for strong development in Asian market and marks the first step of an even greater presence in the country in the years to come.

IHED Business School is honored by this partnership and thanks the UTT team who have fully invested themselves in this new project.

Our International Students from International Higher Education Development – SWITZERLAND and University of Technology of Troyes – FRANCE obtain the Triple Bachelor | BBA degree diplomas, Triple Master | MBA, and Triple Executive MBA (EMBA) degree diploma