Academic Programs

– IHED’s Academic Programs are a combination of dual degree courses and related extracurricular activities organized for the achievement of specific and unique learning outcomes by the ‘IHED Business School of Switzerland SA’ with other partner education institutes.

Pre-Bachelor Degree
– Foundation

Bachelor’s | BSc | BBA
– Single Bachelor
– Swiss Dual Bachelors

Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree
– Can I get a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the same time?
– Earning both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree at the same time is an efficiently convenient and cost-effective way to get ahead in your academic field.
Accelerated college degree programs multiple learning methods offer these dual degrees in a variety of subjects and majors.

Pre-Master Degree

Master’s Degree (MBA | MSc.)
– Single Master (Swiss MBA)
– Swiss Dual Master
– French MBA & Swiss MBA

Doctoral Degree
– Ph.D.
– Swiss Dual Doctorate Degrees (DBA & Ph.D.)


Upon the program


Learning Structures | Methods:


In person / online & distance learning.
OPTION 1: 100% Researching by Distance Learning Program
Distance Studies: Assessments, Case-Development Studies. Exams
Mostly distance work, you can continue to work while studying.
You will receive an inside look into the most recent research topics and leading supervisor and practitioners’ methods.
The practical relevance and applicability of the curriculum are the focal point of this Executive DBA program.
During your researching development studies, you will gain knowledge and guide to productive practice-based projects and learn to apply the curriculum directly to real life.

Part-time Program / Bi-Monthly In-Class Learning Module
In-class Studies: Assessment, Seminars, Case-Development Studies, Presentations, Tests and Exams.
Executive Doctoral modules will be offered in IHED campus in Switzerland.
Courses are scheduled one weekend per bi-month to allow you to study and work at the same time.
Class hours: In-Class Learning Bi-Monthly
On Fridays to Saturdays: 9am to 7pm.
On Sundays: 9am to 1pm to give international participants sufficient time to travel back home-countries.
60% Coursework, 25% Final (Assignment, Case-Studies and Project oral presentation), and 10% Thesis (Business Plan project).

Application Enrollment:

• February for March, Spring semester each year.
• May for June, Summer semester each year.
• September for October, Fall semester each year.