Bachelor’s Degree in Switzerland  


Bachelor’s degree in Switzerland is the first cycle in the traditional Bologna system. After completing the program, the student earns 180 ECTS. It is possible to study full-time (2~3 years) or combine studies with work or caring for a small child, own family — part-time (3~4 years). The language of instruction depends on the canton, university in which the university is located: German, French or Italian. A relatively small number of courses are taught in English, if it is not a private university. Mostly all Business Schools nationwide are taught in English.

Typically, students have compulsory subjects in their specialisation (major), additional qualifications in another field of choice (minor) and free electives. The last year of studies is usually dedicated to writing a thesis, capstone, business plan, project, not only the theoretical component is important, but also the practical application of the research done.