– IHED’s Academic Programs are a combination of dual degree courses and related extracurricular activities organized for the achievement of specific and unique learning outcomes by the ‘IHED Business School of Switzerland SA’ with other partner education institutes. 

Pre-Bachelor Degree

Bachelor’s | BSc | BBA 
– Single Bachelor
– Swiss Dual Bachelor

Bachelor’s & Master’s Degree 

– Can I get a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at the same time?
– Earning both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree at the same time is an efficiently convenient and cost-effective way to get ahead in your academic field. Accelerated college degree programs multiple learning methods offer these dual degrees in a variety of subjects and majors. 

Pre-Master Degree

Master’s Degree (MBA | MSc.)
– Single Master
– Swiss Dual Master

Doctoral Degree 
– PhD
– Swiss Dual Doctorate Degrees (DBA & Ph.D.)